2 Feb 2012

a words for my hubby...:)

you are the person that inspired me the most, besides my parents...:) always been there for me this past few years, the person who held my hand and said to me that, no matter what i do, things will be OK.

kmk polah everything and keep reminding myself dat..everytime i do things, i'll be able to improve myself...abg tauk..im an introvert..someone that lebih suka melihat jak than talking..bila kmk sedar dat being an introvert will not help my future, I do things beyond my kemampuan...:P even there was time dat kmk asa kmk xmampu nak go on gk..u always be there for me..

i keep on depending on you for everything i do..i always look up at you and ask what should i do. but u always smile and say dat just do what i think will be good for me..:) i miss that time..

is this what love looks like?;p if that so, kmk asa im falling in love with you over and over again for all this years. But things doesnt seem all right for us all the time. i may be stupid wit my decisions. 

some quote that kmk asa xblh pake...;p im sorry but i will not put soo much hope in us anymore. i will worked hard for it i promise, n insyaAllah kta ada jodoh..:) 

i hope, we will be more understanding towards each other. i always kept in mind that,

dis situation did teach us something nak hubby..:) 

n i will always trust you. :) i love u soo much. 

18 Jan 2012

just dat~

Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much. 

its just some quote that i get from best quote...n really da things dat i wonder nowaday...there is something that i hope i can get back, but i know it has changed so much that it hurts me when i looked back..just then i realised, there are some things, even u try ur hardest to get it back, it just wont come back to u..really didnt know wat to do n sadly but true, im at my own pulse moment of my life..try to look back at everything, at wat i've done..whom i met..wat i achieved..then i shall admit, i've lost everything i worked hard for n theres nothing for me to look back for...*sigh

-in process of curing the broken heart of mine-

7 Jan 2012

my dream!

currently been studying for my final exam which fall on da same week for all  subjects..if i get bored, i'll watch dis cartoon called yameiro patissier..its all about working hard to be an excellent patissier (one who make cakes n sweets)..:) watching dis movies, make me wonder, wat are my dreams..then i realised something, i am dying to continue my master degree in one of university in oversea that is well-known in producing HR professionals..:) which university i'll searched back later, but will my dream came true? guess we'll have to see for it then..^^

3 Jan 2012


people says my life was quite 'perfect'..stressing the word 'QUITE'..always get the can be said as 'well-done' grades, never really met wit financial problems, always get some position when in school, matric or uni life, n really lucky cause i have someone that love me for about 6 years. but the truth is, im just an ordinary girls, who didnt really focus in her study n didnt really achieve a well-done grades (cpt boring kot), having lots of financial problems due to my love-to-spend money thingy, really love new experiences n ways to improve myself, that is why i try my best to be in any position in clubs, school and also uni-life (. the truth is im an introvert, where for me to talk in public is always be soo challenging..all change when i chose HR as my way of working life..though i love bio, i hate being in lab, testing chemicals or 'membedah' rats..i love to walk around and do some work that requires you to think and react spontaneously..HR should be an extrovert person, who can mix well with others,have lots great ideas, can speak well in front of others, not mention can do public speaking well (what do you from an HR person? duhh..), and finally, mastering ENGLISH! i can write well, but speaking is a bit funny though..people do expect me to do well in my study, but somehow, their expectation made me scared..what if i dont do well..what if i failed my subject...what if I dont deserved to be qualify HR? losing hope is not an option for me, but keeping it real was wat I really strived for..may Allah always help me in achieving my dreams, making my parents proud and help me in being a better person than yesterday..

feels a little bit dizzy after accompanying students in the hospital....wish me luck in my final guys! ^^

30 Dec 2011


cuba cakap sapa xska duit? meh nk lempang seket...(gimik je)...;p walaupun duniawi semata2, memang xblh dinafikan duit sgt2 penting! bagi insan yg bernama Jasmin, duit adalah topik yg sgt sensitip! sebabnye, sejak sem lepas, duit mengalir mcm air...lagi2 cuti 4 bulan yg lepas..memang rasa sgt rugi la..sebab ada peluang nk buat kerja sambilan...tp apakan daya, tanggungjawab melebihi masa yg ada...chewaaah..bermadah kot...;p ari2 ulang alik dr kuching ke UNIMAS...mcm sgt kaya kan...mcm sorg rakan mpp ni ckp kn..dr dok berabis duit pakai keta ulang alik, baik g dudok kt UNIMAS...bukan ta nak..dudok sorg2 seram kot...time tu nak je letak katil n almari kt bilik mpp tu..jdik rumah sementara kan...cita2 bla 1st naik mpp dulu nk bawak tilam yg blh dilipat ke bilik mpp....dah nak abis kot..tilam pon xbawak2...tdo atas sofa je (selalu dgn fai bond, kalo kena wat assignment yg crucial la..ckp je nak tdo bilik mpp wat assignment, bla dah tba masa kejadian, tdo je memanjang..kena aircond kan)...;p ok2..berbalik ke topik asal...DUIT $$! mungkin rezeki sebab berkorban demi UNIMAS masa cuti kot, me n da geng (3 org jek) ditawarkan utk uruskan 1 program yg melibatkan kpt..ada gaji kot...agak lumayan...sampai leh beli 2 hp...;p lupa plak, hobi terbaru sy adalah tuka2 hp...;p ish2..sgt burok kn hobi tu...sekrg dalam usaha menghakis hobi itu terus menular dalam diri...;p sangat membazir....tp alhamdulillah jugak, sem ni aku berjaya idup dengan berbekalkan duit SPA n program tu...kalo mcm sem lepas, blanja satu sem dekat nak rm5000..SPA bagi 3000 je, yg lebihnye FAtherMAma ler..;p rasa bersalah gak...jdik anak yg boros...inilah penyebab berat badan naik 20kg! duit abis utk makan jek! jd kesimpulannya, marilah kta sama2 menabung utk masa depan...;p adios...;p

ni la dulu rupa sebelum masuk UNIMAS...jdik model kt matrik...;p ktaorg kena wat photoshop kt model, tp memandangkan lecturer tu ckp xda benda nak di photoshop, jdik pakai wajah original...;p blh wat perbezaan now n then...;p 

28 Dec 2011


da words dat keep me happy for 6 years..but lately, it made me cried for few weeks..never trust dat word again..am holding on da principle of 'if ada jodoh adalah, if xda then xdalah'..Allah always know who da best for u..

27 Dec 2011


taken yesterday! ni bukan my house k..ni view sebelah rumah..kesian kan rumah dia..

masuk je petang, hujan turun lagi..dengan lebatnyaa...walaupun xska hujan turun lebat berhari2 dan berturut2, tapi tetap bersyukur jugak sebab hujan itu rahmat kan..:) tp memang la jdik sgt bimbang..sebab kemungkinan air nak pasang tu sgt tinggi! al-kisahla semalam kan..sedang lena dibuai mimpi, bgn jek pagi tgk tingkat bawah dah berendam dgn air..rasa di hati nak je mengayuh air tu keluar tp bla pkir2 ramalan cuaca mengatakan banjir ni akan berlarutan 2 hingga 3 hari..so hanya blh tgk je la (hakikatnya malas nak mengemas)...;p 

ok..setakat ni jek nak merapu..sebab kena buat design baju SIFE, WE!..;P walaupun hakikatnya xtau nak mendesign..tp xsalah mencuba kan...;p huahuahua...;p adios guys! ;p